John Abraham looks closely at you, seemingly studying your face for a moment. "Telan," he says, "you're young, too young for this mission, I think. God, I wish I could have it, but Parth insists I stay cooped up in this office job." Abraham's face brightens, and he begins to speak again. "Say, Telan, I know just what I'd do if I were in your shoes. First thing I'd do is find that Werdt character and drill him for all the information I could get. Hmmm... The Press says he's a tough cookie, though, and he isn't very talkative. Also, it might be a good idea to interview the people in the shops. That android's been running loose for quite awhile now, Telan, and someone's bound to have seen him. Oh, well, this isn't my mission, and I'd better get on with my work. Good luck, Telan, this could propel Argrath into an age of prosperity. And Telan -- don't blow it! Or you'll never get the chance to retire to an office job like this."